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APC VED for 750mm Wide Tall Range / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure

Etusivu Racks Cooling Solutions APC VED for 750mm Wide Tall Range / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure
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APC VED for 750mm Wide Tall Range / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure (AR7754)

APC VED for 750mm Wide Tall Range / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure


Rack Air Distribution

VED for 750mm Wide Tall Range / Vertical Exhaust Duct Kit for SX Enclosure

Vertical Exhaust Duct (VED) System for NetShelter SX is a low cost easy to install solution that mounts to the top rear of NetShelter enclosures to capture and return hot exhaust air to room cooling systems.

Baying hardware, Duct panels, Foam gasket strips, Installation guide, Mounting Hardware, Rear door and bottom sealing kit, Roof, Roof mounting hardware


Net Weight: 24.69 KG
Maximum Height: 851.00 mm
Maximum Width: 720.00 mm
Maximum Depth: 439.00 mm
Shipping Weight: 33.78 KG
Shipping Height: 190.00 mm
Shipping Width: 914.00 mm
Shipping Depth: 864.00 mm
Color: Black


Standard Warranty: 2 years repair or replace
Environmental Compliance: RoHS,REACH: Contains No SVHCs


Mounts to the rear of the rack, leaving valuable rack space for other equipment.

Removes hot air from the data center to prevent re-circulation and eliminate air mixing.

Mounts to the rear of the rack, leaving valuable rack space for other equipment.

Add sensors to compatible NetBotz Appliances for monitoring temperature, humidity, fluid, vibration, dust particles, etc.

Increases the capacity of the air conditioner by supplying a warmer return air temperature.

Higher rate of heat removal allows more equipment to be installed in each rack.

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