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APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units

Etusivu Racks Installation & Services APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units
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APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units (WASSEM5X8-AX-22)
APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units (WASSEM5X8-AX-22)
APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units (WASSEM5X8-AX-22)
APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units (WASSEM5X8-AX-22)

APC Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units

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Scheduled Air Assembly Service 5X8 for InRow RP Chilled Water units

A set of service options designed to deliver the vital resources, expertise, and tools needed to quickly and efficiently implement your APC solution


Travel and labor expenses are included in most service contracts. Please see the statement of work for the service specifics.

Our factory trained Field Service Engineers are rigorously trained and tested on how to efficiently service our products, as well as on safety practices and electrical codes, offering our customers the highest level of service available in the industry today.

Once the equipment is assembled, an APC Certified Field Service Engineer will verify all connections within the system have been made according to factory specification, and that it is functioning correctly in all modes of operation, ensuring optimal performance and extending the life of the product.

Features & Benefits


With the option of packages or individual service components, our services are structured to allow you to pick and choose what you would like APC to do for you.

Our factory trained Field Service Engineers are rigorously trained and tested on how to efficiently service our products, as well as on safety practices and electrical codes, offering our customers the highest level of service available in the industry today.

If you are like most businesses, you want your systems up and running during your busiest hours. In order to accommodate your busy schedule, APC offers an option to schedule services off hours. We will work with you to find a time when servicing your system is least likely to impact your productivity, saving your business time and money.

Huomioi, että kuva on suuntaa-antava ja varsinainen tuote saattaa ulkoasultaan poiketa tuotekuvasta (esim. tietokoneisiin ei välttämättä sisälly näyttöä, vaikka kuvassa sellainen olisikin). Jos tuotenimikkeessä on eri tiedot kuin tuotekuvauksessa, tuotenimikkeen tieto on oikein. Jos jokin asia jää epäselväksi, lähetä sähköpostia tukeen ennen tuotteen tilaamista.