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”All-in-one”-videopalkki Microsoft Teams -kokoustiloihin

Yealink A20 -palkkiin on integroitu Teams-asiakasohjelma, joten se on erittäin helppokäyttöinen. Napsauta tuttua Teams-käyttöliittymää ja videokokous voi alkaa.

Ruckus Access Points

Ruckus Wireless has the most innovative antenna technology on the market. Where other manufacturers rely on round-beam antennas, Ruckus Wireless has had great success using their adaptive antenna technology. The technology makes it possible to use the access point's internal antenna panels to direct the signals to the individual clients / users, providing a completely different performance than the "traditional" access points provide.

Yealink Bluetooth headset promotion

We have reduced the prices of the popular BH series (Bluetooth Headset) from Yealink

APC Racks

Broadest portfolio of Racks in the market.

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